

Coverage of Consumer Bankruptcy Abstracts & Research

Consumer Bankruptcy Abstracts & Research (CBAR) provides comprehensive coverage of decisions on bankruptcy law in Chapter 7 and 13 consumer bankruptcy cases. Chapter 11 and 12 cases are generally beyond the newsletter's scope, as are most decisions on nonbankruptcy legal issues.


Section One: Nonchapter-Specific Materials

A. Automatic Stay

Existence of Stay

Relief from Stay

Violation of Stay

B. Dischargeability

Domestic Support Obligations; Other Marital Debts

Student Loan Debts

Other Debts

Other Issues

C. Jurisdiction and Procedure

Adversary Procedure

Appellate Procedure

Other Procedural Issues


D. Means Test

Household Size



Special Circumstances Rebutting Presumption of Abuse

E. Proof of Claim

(1) Claims, Generally

Nature of Obligation as “Claim”

(2) Proof of Claim

By Secured Creditor: Amount of Claim: Prepetition Charges

By Secured Creditor: Amount of Claim: Postpetition Charges

By Secured Creditor: Ownership of Claim

By Secured Creditor: Secured Status of Claim

By Unsecured Creditor

Other Issues

F. Property of the Estate



Exemptions: Availability

Exemptions: Avoidance of Liens

Exemptions: Debtor Who Elects Federal Exemptions

Exemptions: Debtor Who Elects State Exemptions

Exemptions: Limitations

Exemptions: Procedure

Exemptions: Other Issues


G. Other Issues

Authority of the Court

Avoidable Transfers and Liens

Required Documentation

Scope and Violation of Discharge Injunction

Valuation of Property

Miscellaneous Issues


Section Two: Chapter 7 Issues

Abuse: In General

Abuse: Under Totality of the Circumstances

Bad Faith or "Cause" as Basis for Dismissal

Conversion or Dismissal of Case by Debtor

Denial or Revocation of Discharge

Reaffirmation Agreements; Statements of Intention;
Redemption of Collateral; Assumption of Lease of Personal Property

Other Issues


Section Three: Chapter 13 Issues

A. Confirmation of Plan—Treatment of Secured Claims


Bifurcation, Lien Stripping, Modification

B. Confirmation of Plan—Treatment of Unsecured Claims

Compliance with Projected Disposable Income Requirement

Other Issues

C. Confirmation of Plan—Other Issues

Good Faith

Other Objections to Confirmation

Effect of Plan Confirmation

D. Topics Other than Confirmation of Plan

Modification of Plan

Other Matters Involving Mortgage Creditors

Other Issues