About the Editor

About CBAR

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Robin Miller LLC of Haddonfield, N.J., is owned and operated by Robin Miller, member number 87865 of the State Bar of California. I received my education at Brown University and Boston University School of Law. I have been a legal writer, researcher and editor for over 30 years. See my list of publications.

After law school, my first job was as a legal editor at Bancroft-Whitney in San Francisco, one of the country's oldest legal publishers, dating to the 1850s, and now part of Thomson Reuters. While I had assumed that I would practice law, I found that a more scholarly approach to the law was consistent with my personality and my background as a math major in college.

I had long wanted to publish a legal newsletter but, so long as the publishing paradigm was print, the start-up expense seemed too great a hurdle. With the advent of electronic publishing, there is an opportunity for small publishers. I decided to commit myself to consumer bankruptcy law, and since 2007 I have been publishing Consumer Bankruptcy Abstracts & Research (CBAR).

CBAR was at NACBA 2009.

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